Go beyond the books!

Bullet Point Guides offers “Etiquette Dinners,” classes, and workshops, to schools, businesses, clubs, and groups. Help young professionals develop the soft skills they need in today’s business world.

Etiquette Dinners

Greet, Meet, & Eat: The Ins & Outs of Business Dining

This workshop is taught as an actual business dinner, preceded by a networking reception. In the reception, attendees learn how to network, including using name cards, making introductions, handshaking, making conversation, and following up. At dinner, attendees learn about the six types of business dinners and how to behave at each one. They also learn about place settings, silverware, napkins, ordering, toasting, paying, tipping and many other topics.



Working the Room:

Mastering Networking Events

Professionals often attend networking events (receptions or cocktail parties) associated with conferences, professional meetings, or business meals. The goal of all these events is to meet other professionals. This class teaches attendees how to network, including using name cards, making introductions, handshaking, making conversation, and following up.


Don’t Salt:

The Etiquette of Business Meals

Some professionals worry about embarrassing themselves at a business dinner. This class describes the six types of business meals and how to behave at each one. Attendees also learn about place settings, silverware, napkins, ordering, toasting, paying, tipping and many other topics.



The Workplace Mindset:

Thinking, Acting, & Speaking in Business

You can’t fake body language, experts say. So, the first step in upgrading attendee’s communication skills is to work on their “workplace mindset” to increase confidence. Only then can they work on their nonverbal and spoken communication. The workshop features hands-on activities, group work, and presentations.


Effective Business Writing

(Under preparation)


Essential reading for young professionals

© 2017 Bullet Point Guides

Etiquette Dinners

Etiquette Dinners


Etiquette Dinners
